“Rules:Each player of this game starts with six weird things or habits about themselves.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird thing/habits as well as state these rules clearly to others.
At the end you need to choose 6 other people to be tagged and list their names at the bottom of the blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “tag-you are it,” and tell them to read your blog and play the game.”
1. Urasc sa mi se ia din fata cartea/revista din care citesc inainte sa fi terminat.
2. Ma joc cu degetele cu colturile tari ale pernelor.
3. Imi place enorm sa customizez orice aplicatie/profil/stuff like that. [customBUNNY]
4. Trec dintr-o extrema emotionala in alta in decurs de cateva minute..Pot sa ma simt extraordinar de bine si 10 minute mai tarziu sa fiu cea mai depresiva fiinta de pe pamanat [maniaco-depresiva :D]
5. Inghit mereu primul sambure de maslina cand mananc masline..
6. Rad si zambesc mai mult decat toti oamenii pe care ii cunosc la un loc.
I know, I’m such a freak..Sa tagguim acum ceva prieteni :D Danutza, Hellas, kalex, Diana, Dragos si Trasznea…
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