Sales tips

This Week’s Tip: Are You Selling
E2440’s, QX6700’s, and DDR2’s?


I was browsing the latest toys in the computer
department at Best Buy, while also eavesdropping on
the sales attempts by the staff. Interesting, indeed.

A middle-aged fellow with his young son were quizzically
poking at various machines. The dad had the “deer in the
headlights” look. Son kept saying, “Dad, we need somethun
that goes fast!” Finally accosted by a salesperson, the dad
explained he’d like something that “Goes fast.”

The blue-vested clerk pointed to a machine and said,

E2440 Intel Core2 Extreme processor QX6700; 2Gig Corsair
drives; 400Gig SATA 150 hard drive. It screams, dude.”

“Oh,” the dad said, nodding his head, lips pursed, as
feigning that he had a clue about what he just heard.

A few silent seconds passed. “We’ll shop around a bit more,”
he said, dragging the kid with him. I watched him all the way
out the door.

+++++++++++Key Sales Point++++++++++++++++
Communicate with people in the same way THEY speak
and think, not the way you speak and think.

This is especially crucial by phone. Here are some

1. Listen carefully to words and phrases they use to
describe situations, needs, desires, and problems.
Write down the relevant ones.

2. Question to get explanations on ones that you don’t fully
understand, or maybe even seem foreign to you.

For example, “When you say you want something that
goes fast, what exactly are we talking about? What will you
be using the machine for?”

3. Use their language when presenting your sales message and
recommendations. Sell them on the results, using the language
they understand:

“… and with this system your son’s games will run twice as fast
as on that old machine you said you have now. Plus, you won’t
have to sit and wait for it to grind through those spreadsheet
calculations you mentioned you run …”

Remember, don’t sell the means; they buy the end.

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“The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something
you haven’t thought of yet.”

Ann Landers

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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