Si toate erau scrise italic…

Dupa ce am editat niste posturi si am si instalat un plugin ca sa nu stiu exact ce si cum, am observat ca fontul tuturor textelor de pe blog era italic. Wtf wtf… Am dezactivat si sters pluginul, am reeditat posturile, dar nu mai stiam ce si cum, asa ca ajutata de Matthers si de Alex, intr-un final am dat peste chestia asta:


"If you are using some HTML in your posts (or if you are copying and pasting from an external editing program, which adds its own HTML code - we urge against this), you may experience issues when adding the MORE (icon #13 here) tag in order to split your writings. This may also occur if you are simply formatting post content with bold, italics, etc…



The issue occurs when you insert the MORE tag in your visual editor, but it is actually placed within an HTML tag. So, you will have something like this:

<strong>Oh man, this post is messed up.<!–more–></strong>

The above will cause the rest of the posts on your front page (or in an archive) to be formatted as bold, sometimes including your sidebar contents. Not cool. To fix the issue, just place the MORE tag on the outside of any pesky, closing HTML tags, like so:

<strong>Oh man, this post is messed up.</strong><!–more–>"



si am realizat ca pusesem tagul de ‘more’ in mijlocul unui text pe care il scrisesem cu italice. Solutia a fost sa inchid italicul inainte de ‘more’ si sa il deschid dupa. Si voila, acum e totul in regula… Thank God..

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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