Tropic Thunder

Nu prea imi plac comediile. Nu pentru ca nu imi place sa ma amuz la filme (ba din contra), ci pentru ca rar gasesc o comedie pe gustul meu. Nici foarte lame, nici foarte trasa de par, nici foarte plina de glume cu sex… Dar de data asta am avut incredere in Ben Stiller, care nu ma dezamagise nici cu Zoolander.

Matilda: I became…
Hansel: What?
Matilda: Bulimic.
Derek Zoolander: You can read minds?

Scena asta ma face si acum sa rad cu lacrimi. Anyway, ziceam ca am avut incredere in Ben Stiller si ne-am uitat la Tropic Thunder. Mi s-a parut incredibil de reusit ca film si ca si comedie. Actorii au jucat impecabil, glumele erau efectiv super amuzante, scenele legendary.

Replici ca..

Tugg Speedman: There were times while I was playing Jack where I felt…
Tugg Speedman: …retarded. Like, really retarded.
Kirk Lazarus: Damn!
Tugg Speedman: In a weird way I had to sort of just free myself up to believe that is was ok to be stupid or dumb.
Kirk Lazarus: To be a moron.
Tugg Speedman: Yeah!
Kirk Lazarus: To be moronical.
Tugg Speedman: Exactly, to be a moron.
Kirk Lazarus: An imbecile.
Tugg Speedman: Yeah!
Kirk Lazarus: Like the dumbest mother fucker that ever lived.
Tugg Speedman: [pause] When I was playing the character.


Tugg Speedman: [as Simple Jack] You make my pee-pee maker t-t-tingle.


Tyra Banks: You have no real family, you’re on the wrong side of 40, you’re childless and alone. Somebody close to you said: “One more flop, and it’s over.”
Tugg Speedman: [pause] Somebody said they were close to me?

sau iar

Alpa Chino: No, I always wanted to. I guess I just never had the courage to ask. It’s complicated.
Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It’s simple as pie man, you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say “Hey! baby, you and me’s goin’ on a date, that’s in the story”… What’s her name?
Alpa Chino: …Lance
Kirk Lazarus: You say ‘Listen here, Lance’… Lance? What the fuck did I just hear? Lance?
Kevin Sandusky: Did you just say Lance?
Alpa Chino: No! No, I didn’t say Lance. I said Nance.
Kevin Sandusky: It sounded a lot like Lance.
Alpa Chino: Dammit, I’m Alpa Chino! ‘I Love Tha Pussy’, aight? Lay yo ass back down and look at the stars.
Kirk Lazarus: When you wrote ‘I Love Tha Pussy’, was you thinking about danglin your dice on Lance’s forehead?

vor ramane multa vreme in discutiile noastre amuzandu-ne in continuare.

Si faptul ca oameni ca Robert Downey Jr. sau Tom Cruise sau Matthew McConaughey sau Nick Nolte
au vrut sa joace intr-un film produs si regizat de Ben Stiller alaturi de el, chiar inseamna ceva.

So, daca nu ati mai ras de mult la o comedie, trust me on this one. Il veti tine minte :D

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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