Despre imaginea romanilor pe internet

Romani = spammeri, scammeri etc.

Mereu se ajunge la concluzia asta si se pare ca lume s-a saturat de noi.

Conform FileShareFreakPrivate Trackers Announce ‘Global Ban’ Of Romania. Super tare, nu?


“Romania – a real hotbed for tracker activity – has yet again found itself on uncertain ground in amongst the private tracker community. This was recently rekindled a few days ago when officially announced that Romania is “largely a cesspool of spam” and is thus now globally banned from the tracker. This includes all existing members, as well as potential future invitees. Today, ScT also announced plans to rid Romanian users from its tracker.” 

Cititi restul articolului aici

Ce urat.  Mi se pare oricum ca au exagerat, si au devenit chiar xenofobi. Nu pot decat sa regret ca li s-a pus pata asa pe toti .ro, si sa sper ca nu imi voi pierde contul SCT, la care chiar tin, desi nu il mai folosesc asa de mult. 

La naiba, chiar mi se par penale generalizarile de orice fel.

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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