Choices – un proiect Saatchi & Saatchi

Libertatea la Sartre inseamna sa ai alegeri. Dar cand alegerile importante din viata ta sunt luate de altii, te simti prins intr-o lume in care orice alegeri ai lua ulterior, ramai in aceeasi lume fara libertate si trebuie sa ai o forta deosebita sa te rupi de omul care ai ajuns in urma alegerilor luate de altii pentru tine.

Personajele si peisajul din filmulet sunt realizate din hartie decupata de mana, totul fiind filmat in stop motion.

Pentru detalii:

Called Choices, the animation takes the viewer through the childhood and teenage years of a small girl, demonstrating the hazards that potentially lie in wait for those children whose life choices are a result of not actually having a choice. The direction of the film required the use of thousands of cardboard cuts, which were combined using both stop-motion footage and digital animation.

Saatchi & Saatchi in Romania

Creative Directors: Jorg Riommi, Daniela Nedelschi
Art Director: Florin Roman
Copywriter: Sorana Caracudovici
Account Director: Cristina Popescu
Production Manager: Monica Garbur


Director: Anton Groves
Producer: Marius Botirca
Illustrator: Andy Sinboy Luke
Illustrator Assistant: Damian Groves
Animators: Silviu Visan, Bogdan Zelinschi, Adrian Aghenitei
Editors: Dan Mateescu, Sorin Baican
Sound design: Alin Flaidar

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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