De ce roz…

It has turned out to be true. When people choose colors, women prefer pink while the men prefer blue. Although all we knew it for own experience, a team of British investigators of the Newcastle University has given now to this “preference” an irrefutable scientific character.

“The long history of color preference studies has been described as ‘bewildering, confused and contradictory’” , wrote Anya Hurlbert in the journal Current Biology (she is the research leader). And although some recent studies have suggested  there is a universal preference  for blue,  there are not systematic conclusions due to the variety and the poor control on the mensuration methods. Also, Dr. Hurlbert continues, “there has not been much previous evidence to support the idea of sex differences when picking colour”.

One of the conclusions of the last research is that the preference of the women for pink could be biological and not cultural, and it could be explained if we analyze the history since the remote times, when the humans were hunters, and the women, who mainly picked up the food, needed a “visual specialization”  in order to identify the redder mature fruits.

In a simple test, the researches worked with 171 people (young men and women)  and each person had to select the preferred color quickly among a series of colored rectangles that were showed.

The result was the universal favorite color, for all, seemed to be the blue. But with a special preference, on the part of the women, for the red-green axis, what changed their preference of colors lightly from blue to red, and cataloged pink and violet as favorite colors for the girls. The differences were so clear among men and women the investigators were able to predict the sex of some participants based on their profile of chromatic preferences.

via some blog

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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