Happy tag


Andra tagged me :)

I have to make a top of 6 things that make me happy.

Here are the rules of tag:

1) link back to the person who tagged you.
2) post these rules on your blog.
3) share 6 things that put a smile on your face.
4) pass the tag along to 6 other fabulous blogs.
5) let the tagged people know by leaving a comment on their blogs


1. sa il vad zambind
2. sa ma plimb printr-un parc vara si sa mananc vata de zahar sau sa fac baloane de sapun :D
3. cand il mangaiam pe pisoi
4. cand mi se indeplineste o dorinta mare mare mare
5. cand vad marea prima oara intr-un an
6. primele zile de primavara

Si acum trebuie sa taguiesc alte 6 persoane.





Cred ca si 4 ajung :)

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..
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