Author Archives: honeybunny

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..

Good bye, Lost…

This is the end, my friend… It’s been a hell of a ride.

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Lol: Adobe si matematica

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Remember Zale – Sa poti zambi (cu Puya)

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Ce bine ca si-a revenit Addic7ed. Incet incet ne-am reintors la normal. Dupa ce ca 12 zile am fost down, am reusit sa si pierdem tot de dupa 25 ianuarie si a trebuit sa re-uploadam ce ne-am mai amintit ca … Continue reading

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Zile misto

Am avut câteva zile foarte drăguţe :D

Posted in bucuresti, placeri, work related | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Addic7ed, my love

00:00:00,00 –> AD:DI:C7,ED

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Saptamana grea – aberatii

Azi ma plang in avans. De maine incepe iar Romtherm-ul. Pff.. A mi se citi entuziasmul pe chipul luminos de iepure. Asa nu am chef.. Pe langa faptul ca toate sincronizarile mele a trebuit sa fie redistribuite, o sa fie … Continue reading

Posted in addic7ed, bunnies, internet, series, shoes, subtitrari, thoughts | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


I never knew the White Rabbit had a name… McTwisp, pe langa faptul ca suna a sandwich de la McDonald’s, e un nume foarte simpatic :))

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Chiar si Bucurestiul e frumos la inceput de vara… Frumoasele mele ‘a ‘e ‘e :D

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Finally Alice

Azi mergem in sfarsit la Alice in Wonderland, la IMAX. Let the colors surround us :D

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