Author Archives: honeybunny

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..

Good bye, 2009…

Nu e numai la moda, dar pentru mine e si obicei sa fac un fel de review al anului care a trecut. Anul a inceput trist, cu moartea celui mai frumos pisoi din lume… Dar a continuat ok, prin faptul … Continue reading

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Merry Xmas :)

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Will the spring ever come?

Mi-am adus aminte de un citat din Rome, care sa raspunda intrebarii din titlu :) Pompeyan senator: But Caesar’s legions are on the other side of the alps! Antony: But winter does not last forever. Snow melts… senator: Is that … Continue reading

Posted in bucuresti, movie quote, series | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Google wave anyone?

Daca se nimereste careva care sa vrea invitatie pe Wave, let me know.

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Ninge ninge ninge

Ce frumos ninge in Bucuresti… Si ce dor mi-era de o ninsoare zdaravana.. Desi cred ca imi trece pe drumul spre Cora cand ma duc sa mananc :D Si va atasez si o poza facuta chiar acum, in fata biroului … Continue reading

Posted in bucuresti, me, work related | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Somnul linistea…

Stefan Iordache & Monica Anghel – Ce cauti tu in viata mea?

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Happy Bunny Day

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Shortcuts to my life

The earliest thing I remember is a shadow play, performed by my dad and my brother in the backyard of our home. Not doubting my own eyes, I believed that this 2D world was real. You never know what you’re … Continue reading

Posted in life, mood, video | 2 Comments

Again addictive

Daca Sexy Bitch auzisem sincronizand Melrose Place, melodia de azi vine din CSI NY 6×05 :D Madcon – Begging You

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Somnul toamnei

A venit si toamna, mai mult direct iarna decat toamna, si soarele nu mai zambeste decat cu dinti si aspru. Eu ma simt tot mai obosita de la o vreme. O fi trezitul de dimineata, o fi culcatul pe la … Continue reading

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