Author Archives: honeybunny

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..

It has begun..

EPIC… Pentru cei interesati am creat o galerie cu niste wallpapers pentru kindle cu sigiliile caselor importante: Game of Thrones Kindle Wallpapers

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Olay <3

Campania “OLAY: Schimba-ti crema” ne indeamna ca in perioada 4-6 martie sa venim in centrele comerciale partenere ( lista si mai multe detalii aici ) si sa schimbam orice crema pe care o detinem cu OLAY TOTAL EFFECTS. Vineri in … Continue reading

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Winter is coming…

Are you ready? Obsessed bunny is obsessed… And back to reading.

Posted in books, placeri, series | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

The Things I Do For Love…

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Who are you?

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The problem…

But I’m happy…

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Let the fireworks light the sky…

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A-nceput de ieri sa cada…

Cate-un fulg. Si n-a mai stat.

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Ninge ca-n povesti…


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