Category Archives: music

Despre “Nunta muta”

Soundtrack Nunta Muta 1 Soundtrack Nunta Muta 2 L-am vazut azi-noapte, desi din ce imi spusese Sori nu m-ar fi atras in mod deosebit. Am zis totusi sa ii dau o sansa. Si m-a lasat asa… Speechless, hollow, cumva libera … Continue reading

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Dedicatie pentru Anne

Moneybrothers – The Pressure Melodia de mai sus ii este dedicata Annei si perioadei petrecute la Toner Express so long ago :)

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Music for my mood

Daca ieri sfidam vremea de afara, azi ma las rapusa de depresia ei. Conjure One – Tears From The Moon Couldn’t sleep so I went out walking Thinking about you and hearing us talking And all the things I should … Continue reading

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Sfidand vremea de afara…

Avem urmatoarea melodie cu chef de viata si de vara..\:D/ Kaleidoscopio – Voce Me Apareceu

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All time favorites [1]

Blue Oyster Cult – (Don’t Fear) The Reaper

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Forever Autumn

Ascult melodia de mai jos si ma ia asa o melancolie… E o zi minunata de toamna. M-am trezit pe la 8 jumate si am mers la un interviu. Stiam ca e o firma de recutare si nu stiam pentru … Continue reading

Posted in books, bucuresti, life, me, mood, music, placeri, thoughts, work related | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Busy little bee

Am ascultat in prostie melodia asta cat eram la Brasov, si chiar si acum o reascult cu o placere deosebita. Melodia e ok, nici prea prea nici foarte foarte, dar are acel CEVA care face sa o ascult intruna fara … Continue reading

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Despre anturaj

Postul a disparut din cauza firmei de hosting.. :( Dar il voi rescrie: A long time ago, we used to be friends But I haven’t thought of you lately at all If ever again a greeting I send to you, … Continue reading

Posted in 28, blog, brasov, bucuresti, life, lyrics, me, mood, music, thoughts | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Dr Horrible’s Sing Along Blog – Genial

Azi, thx to Dae, am vazut ceva pure genius. Pe langa faptul ca joaca si Barney, din How I Met Your Mother, care e as great as ever, mai are si niste melodii super tari. Este vorba de Dr Horrible’s … Continue reading

Posted in blog, internet, lyrics, music, placeri, shoes, video | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Amintiri Din Cernauti EmotiConcert by Alex28 & honeybunny

Ceva ce am facut anul trecut cu Alex. “Cea mai frumoasa melodie de dragoste” as we used to call it… Like it? ;;)

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