Shame on the bunny

Acm cateva saptamani am fost la un concert de-al Alexandrei si spre rusinea mea, nu v-am povestit. Am fost impresionata si nopti la rand am adormit fredonand “Change the world” (care din pacate nu are versiune inregistrata in studio). Am plecat de acolo plutind, cu gandurile in o mie de directii, de parca as fi asistat la o minune. Auzisem si cu alta ocazie vocea Alexandrei (@fatacusoarele), si stiam ca este deosebita, insa pe scena a fost cu totul si cu totul la alt nivel. Si ea parea o alta persoana, si pe tot parcursul concertului am ascultat muta de uimire melodii necunoscute pentru mine care m-au cucerit.

Cea pe care o puteti asculta aici m-a obsedat azi, am ascultat-o intruna pe repeat cat m-am plimbat azi prin oras. Dupa cum i-am spus si in mesajul pe care nu puteam sa nu i-l trimit, ma face sa imi fie asa de dor… Dor de ceva indepartat, aparent uitat, anacronic cu viata mea de acum.

Si ce m-a surprins cel mai mult a fost cand Alexandra a mentionat ca a inregistrat cu Jepcar o melodie acum cativa ani, Gheata, melodie care mi-a marcat saptamani bune de la inceputul lui 2007.

Pentru curiosi, vizitati pagina Alexandrei si a iubitului ei si fiti prezenti la urmatorul lor concert. Ne vedem acolo :)

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My top TV shows

Nu pot sa spun care e serialul meu preferat pentru ca nu pot compara serialele. Dar am trei intervale: Locul 1, Locul 2 si Locul 3.

Pe Locul 1 sunt: (ordine aleatoare) Rescue Me, Lost, Dexter, Six Feet Under, The Big Bang Theory.

Pe Locul 2: (same) Damages, Skins, Californication, Rome, Carnivale.

Pe Locul 3: (same) Desperate Housewives, Psych, Veronica Mars, Life, Twin Peaks, Kings.

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Tommy Gavin is the man!

Spre deosebire de reprezentantii sexului masculin, nu m-am uitat la nici un serial sau film doar pentru ca imi place de un actor care presteaza in respectivul film/serial. Insa de cateva ori recunosc ca mi-a placut foarte mult de cate unul-doi :D

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Cute bunny is amazingly cute

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Addic7ed is back…

After a week of downtime, Addic7ed is finally back. The technical problems are solved. The new design… Well, we’ll get there. Until then, enjoy the fastest and best subtitles on the internet :D

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Creative bunny

Ieri am ieșit cu Alexandra (@fatacusoarele). Înainte să ne vedem, am trecut pe la FruFru și mi-am luat minunatul suc de aloe pe care îl au acolo. Cel de struguri e pur și simplu fenomenal.
Cum Andreea (@gloryboxblues) era la VerdeCafe și trebuia să iau de la ea o brățară roșie ca focul, am luat-o de mânuță pe Alexandra, am căutat pe gps (nu ne mai suportăm cu atâta tehnologie :)) ) unde vine străduța Domnița Ruxandra și am pornit într-acolo. S-a dovedit a fi puțin mai departe decât am fi crezut, dar a fost o zi cu o vreme minunată, numai  bună de plimbare. Mi-am achiziționat minunata brățară, și dacă tot eram in the mood, mi-am ales și niște cerceluși roșii care să se asorteze :D

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honeybunny’s message for Addic7ed’s users

Ok, so this season we succeeded in providing you with fast quality subtitles for most of the shows. We never asked for anything, maybe some gratitude and every now and then some support for the server cost.

But the moment has come to ask for something else. We ask for some patience. I know you are all eager to get everything you want as soon as possible. But just think for a bit that what we do is not done with a simple click. It involves personal time and effort. It involves waking up earlier than necessary or going to bed later than we should have. And we have all planned. We do everything as fast as we can or as fast as it possible is.

I know you think we might have missed an episode if you don’t see its sub as soon as you have that episode downloaded, and you feel the need to remind us. I know you think we might forget that some of you wait for the 720p version. We don’t. But things take time. Our team is not big, and we have many shows to cover.

Try to understand that and try to respect that. Try to understand we dedicate some of our time for you. We don’t have to do this. We want to do this. And more importantly, we do it for free. Asking and demanding us to hurry, asking for reasons, criticizing us for being late… That’s not a very supportive attitude. And it does not motivate us.

I know not all of you do this. We appreciate your kind words when we succeed in helping you enjoy the shows better, we are grateful for your praises. We actually rely on you to let us know if the subs are not in good sync, they have missing letters and other flaws.

But remember you can get involved as well. You can correct the mistakes you notice while watching an episode. You can re-sync a subtitle, if another version is not available yet. I know it’s easier to wait and comment on how long some subs take to come out, but before you write the next comment like this one “My god, why? How is it possible? It’s a great show, I can’t understand why it’s subtitles appeare so late!”, stop for a moment and think about everything I wrote here.

Thank you for your patience and support.


Comments here.

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Ce ati alege?

Sa fiu sincera, nu stiu ce as alege :)) Sau stiu.. Cred… Intelligent e din start.. Si pentru ca nu pot alege uratenia de buna voie, as renunta la emotionally stable-ness… E ca si cum as renunta la milionul de dolari pe care nu l-am avut niciodata :)) Si voi si voi? :D

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And who am I? I am the bunny, of course..

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honeybunny in the dark

“Iti mai amintesti de mine, Maitreyi? Si daca da, m-ai putut ierta?”

Mircea Eliade

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