O poveste

“Toata lumea ii stia pantofii albastri. Aparusera de ne-unde in oraselul lor alb, dintr-o coasta a marii. Ii recunosteau de departe si mersul nitel saltat, cu gambele unduite a mirare.

Intr-o zi, Continue reading

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True.Blood.S02E08.HDTV.XviD-NoTV Subtitles

English subtitles (and not only): True Blood – 02×08 – Timebomb

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On 12 June 2009, after 10 days of exciting campaign, 85% of eligible Iranian voters all over the world turned out to vote for their favorite candidate. But the morning after elections the result was not what they voted for. Their votes were stolen, politicians, human right activists and opposition leaders had been arrested over night, foreign media corespondents and international journalists had been expelled and cities were full of riot police and security forces. Despite all these Iranians have come to streets to shout their freedom and ask for their vote. Hundreds have been killed so far and thousands have been arrested. But until now, after 40 days, Iranians inside Iran still continue their protests, and all over the world expat Iranians and other countries’ citizens support them by protesting in front of Iran embassies. This movement is known as “Green Movement” because of using green color by Iranian protestors that was Mousavi’s campaign color.

The song is an old Italian antifascist song. This video is made for all brave Iranians who stay against bullets and despite brutal repression ask for their vote and freedom.

About the song:
(From wikipedia) The song Bella Ciao was sung by the left anti-fascist resistance movement in Italy, a movement by anarchists, communists, socialists and other anti-fascist partisans. The author of the lyrics is unknown, and the music seems to come from an earlier folk song sung by riceweeders in the Po Valley. Another interpretation has been given following the discovery in 2006 by Fausto Giovannardi of the CD “Klezmer – Yiddish swing music” including the melody “Koilen” played in 1919 by Mishka Ziganoff.

The song has been recorded by various artists in many different languages including Italian, Russian, Bosnian, Kurdish, Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, English, Spanish, Finnish, Kabyle, German, Turkish, Japanese, Tagalog, Breton and Chinese.

Singer of this version is Lidija Percan.

Una mattina mi son svegliato,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
e ho trovato l’invasor.
O partigiano, portami via,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
O partigiano, portami via,
ché mi sento di morir.
E se io muoio da partigiano,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E se io muoio da partigiano,
tu mi devi seppellir.
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
sotto l’ombra di un bel fior.

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1 year of addic7ion

Pe 3 august s-a implinit un an de cand am reluat blogul pe domeniul asta. Intre timp am adaugat si ce am scris pe 360 din octombrie 2005, dar nah, nu se pune…

So, va multumesc :)

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LOLcat cu pisoiul [2]


Ce fata avea :D I miss him so…

Posted in lol, pisoiul | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Confessions of a shopaholic


Hello, my name is honeybunny and I’m a shopaholic. It’s been 7 days since I leave home my debit card.

Da, nu este o recenzie nici a filmului (pe care nu l-am vazut), nici a cartii (care mi-a placut la nebunie). It is the real life, yo. Lol.

Am ajuns in situatia de a trebui sa imi las cardul acasa si sa imi iau numai cativa bani sa am de mancare pentru ca saptamana trecuta am exagerat tare de tot. Sambata trecuta am fost la Baneasa City Mall si nah, erau reduceri (=2 bluze)… Duminica am fost prin Cora si am gasit si acolo reduceri (1 bluza si o curea). Luni am fost in Cora sa mananc (3 perechi de cercei si o curea). Marti mi-am luat niste pantaloni putin mai lungi decat pantalonii scurti da nu 3/4, desi ma dusesem sa mananc. Si pana acolo mi-a fost.

Am primit ordin sa las acasa cardul pentru binele sfarsitului de luna, pentru ca acest shopping spree m-a prins chiar in luna in care am cei mai putini bani. Oh well, it’s gonna be a long month.

Voi ce metode adoptati sa nu intrati in shopping spree? :D I need advice. Thanks for sharing.

Posted in life, me, placeri | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

True Blood S02E07 HDTV XviD-NoTV Subtitle

Subtitles here: True Blood – 02×07 – Release Me

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Dedicatie pentru the wannabe celebrities si presa de kkt din Romania

“What are we doing? Selling ourselves, selling everything.

Happiest day of my life. Quick, I’d better do the invites and bake a cake. Must have a press tent, it’s a wedding, you know, I must see pictures of myself with other people I’m in a programme with.
Oh, and now I’m pregnant, maybe we should televise the birth. Get Ryan Seackrest to present it, maybe it’ll make jimmy Carr’s 100 Greatest Caesareans.

I’m not having a go at you, I’m sick of these celebrities living their life out in the open all the time. ..
Why would you do that? It’s like these pop stars who choose the perfect moment to go into rehab, they call their publicists before they call a taxi, then they come out and do their second autobiography, this one is called “Love me or I’ll kill myself”… Oh, kill yourself, then.

The papers lap it up. They follow us round and that makes people think we’re important and that makes us think we’re important. If they stopped doing that, people wouldn’t take to the streets going, ‘Ooh, quick, I need a picture of Cameron Diaz with a pimple.’ They wouldn’t care, they’d get on with something else. They’d get on with their lives

You open a paper, see a picture of Lindsay Lohan getting out of a car and the headline is “Cover up Lindsay, we can see your knickers”. Of course you can see your knickers! Your photographer’s lying in the road pointing his camera up her dress to see her knickers !

You’re literally the gutter press…

And fuck you, the makers of this show as well, you can’t wash your hands of this, you can’t keep going “Oh, it’s exploitation but it’s what the public want”. No ! The Victorian freak show never went away, now it’s called Big Brother or American idol.
Where in the preliminary rounds, we wheel out the bewildered to be sniggered at by multi-millionaires.

And fuck you for watching this at home
Shame on you !
And shame on me !
I’m the worst of all
Because I’m one of these people that goes, “Oh, I’m an entertainer, it’s in my blood”. Yeah, it’s in my blood because a real job is too hard. I’d love to have been a doctor. Too hard, didn’t want to put the work in.

I’d love to be a war hero but I’m too scared.

So I go, “Oh, it’s what I do” and I have someone bollocked if my cappuccino’s cold, or if they look at me the wrong way.”

Andy Millman – Extras, Christmas Special

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So long till Skins

via TvBlog

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O vrabiuta

Azi am plecat mai devreme de acasa sa trec pe la Billa sa imi iau pentru la munca niste salata de pui picanta. Si cum ma intorceam spre statie, trece o masina in viteza si loveste o vrabiuta care se speriase si incercase sa traverseze strada prin fata masinii. Ramasese pe strada, cu ciocul deschis.

Mi-am adus aminte de vrabiuta cazuta in Igoumenitsa pe care a luat-o maturatorul si a aruncat-o, si am hotarat sa nu las sa se intample acelasi lucru si cu micuta de azi. Am luat-o de pe strada si am dus-o in iarba. Ma tot gandeam si ma gandeam si nu aveam nici o idee ce as putea face.

Pana a trecut o doamna in varsta pe langa mine si am intrebat-o daca nu vrea sa ia micuta pasare si sa aiba grija de ea pana se face bine. Spre bucuria mea, doamna a fost de acord si a luat-o cu ea. A zis ca va avea grija de ea si cand se va face bine ii va da drumul.

Multumesc din inima pentru fapta dumneavoastra…. Increderea in umanitate a castigat un plus azi.

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