Tag Archives: books

[Kindle clippings] A Dance with the Dragons, by George RR Martin

“The world is one great web, and a man dare not touch a single strand lest all the others tremble.” (Illyrio) “No man is free. Only children and fools think elsewise.” (Tywin Lannister) “The gods are blind. And men see … Continue reading

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How many times can you read a book?

Third time this one :D

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What should I read next?

(ASOIAF, Harry Potter series and The Hobbit would be a re-read) [poll id=”10″]  

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The Maps from A Dance with Dragons

Beyond the Wall Map The Free Cities Map Valyria Map Or here you have a PDF with all of them.

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If not Kindle…

Va recomand site-ul bookdepository.co.uk, de unde mi-am comandat multe carti in limba engleza la preturi excelente, si in plus livrarea este gratuita in toata lumea (sunt unele tari in care nu se livreaza, dar Romania nu este printre ele). Asa … Continue reading

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Winter is coming…

Are you ready? Obsessed bunny is obsessed… And back to reading.

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Just a quote

V-au ramas vreodata o fraza sau cateva propozitii in cap, fara sa le uitati niciodata, repetandu-le obsesiv cumva uneori? Nu sunt nebuna, deci nu e vorba decat de un astfel de fragment in cazul meu. “Iti mai amintesti de mine, … Continue reading

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Doua lepse de la Leah

Numa una era special pentru mine, cealalta e pentru cine voia. Si eu am vrut. Ca tot am inceput sa citesc cartea in cauza.

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