Tag Archives: bunny

Yawn…Let the holiday begin…Tomorrow…

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bunny iPhone :X

Cu ce imi pierd eu vremea sau cum arat eu ca am doar 12 ani :))

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The most awesome wallpaper

I have it :D Thx to Dae.

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Bunny @ work [first day]

Si iata-ma si unde mi-am dorit asa de mult sa ajung. La job :D O locatie frumoasa, cu 3 incaperi, 2 mari si aerisite si una micuta pe post de depozit. Un birou minunat, un calculator performant, monitor LCD, proc … Continue reading

Posted in bucuresti, bunnies, life, me, thoughts | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

I can haz job!

Finally, mi-am gasit job :) Tot cu ejobs.ro :D Saptamana viitoare trebuie sa merg in Brasov, sa imi iau diploma de absolvire a facultatii si de la inceputul lui februarie, I’ll go to work… De pe 13 martie 2007 nu … Continue reading

Posted in brasov, bucuresti, bunnies, work related | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments

Un an nou delicios

Posted in life, me, placeri, thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments