Tag Archives: lol

Mood @ Work

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What’s cuter than a bunny?

Or than two bunnies? Thx to Alex :)

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Cuvinte amuzante

Sunt cateva cuvinte la auzul carora ma amuz de fiecare data, indiferent de context, sau nah, aproape indiferent de context. Nu sunt neaparat diminutive, nu reprezinta chestii foarte dragute, dar imi fura un zambet cand ajung la urechile mele. Papadie, … Continue reading

Posted in life, lol, me | Tagged , , , , | 17 Comments

Me & Deni

Posted in me, pets, placeri | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

From an epic thread from 4chan

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Well done :)

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Jensen Ackles – Eye of the Tiger

Pentru fani si nu numai, urmatorul video, din S04E06, daca nu ma insel :) Dean

Posted in lol, music, placeri, series, video | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

No comment. :)

de aici. Hm, poate nu va dati seama, da e un abonament la bordel. Cool, huh? :D

Posted in life, lol | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Despre Demons (UK)

Despre Demons (UK) sau cel mai amuzant user comment de pe IMDb :D A Bad Ripoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 4 January 2009 Author: Ryan Hunter from United States I can just imagine a bunch of producers and writers sitting around a big … Continue reading

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