Author Archives: honeybunny

About honeybunny

Nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu sunt super super simpatica..

Love is blindness

Love can be inconvenient, perhaps inappropriate. It can be dangerous. Make us do things we wouldn’t dream of doing. But wrong? That just depends on where we end up, doesn’t it? —Dexter – 07×08 – Argentina

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TED: The Greatest Platform Worth Sharing


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In ultima vreme mi s-au conturat 3 hobby-uri care ma tin ocupata. Doua sunt mai vechi, iar unul este de cateva luni. Imi place sa citesc de cand am invatat sa descifrez literele, iar povestile nemuritoare au fost parte definitorie … Continue reading

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Coryamor Store

Daca o mai tineti minte pe Clarisa nu aveti cum sa fi uitat minunatele creatii din urma cu ceva timp pe care le-am prezentat aici pe blog. Si daca nu o cunoasteti, timpul nu este pierdut. Clarisa si-a deschis magazinul online … Continue reading

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After a while you learn…

You Learn by Jorge Luis Borges After a while you learn the subtle difference Between holding a hand and chaining a soul, And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning And company doesn’t mean security. And you begin to learn … Continue reading

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I miss Brasov


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Good bye, guilty pleasure of mine…

“The world is a dangerous place.  And we must learn to defend ourselves from those who want to hurt us. The stranger without a name. An employer who holds a grudge. The husband who won’t let go. Yes, we all … Continue reading

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Rasfat apicosmetic pentru dus

Acum o luna si jumatate am primit pentru testare doua geluri de dus de la mai vechii prieteni, Complex Apicol. Din cele 4 tipuri, mi-am ales Apidermin® cu laptisor de matca si Floral® cu propolis. “În răsfățul apicosmetic pentru duș Apidermin® proprietățile … Continue reading

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Diferente dupa un an si 2 luni [cu aparat dentar]

August 2010 Iunie 2012

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Poezia de la TEDx Piata Sfatului

Ieri am fost la TEDx Piata Sfatului si mi-a ramas in cap poezia de la sfarsitul prezentarii lui Jeremy Allan Hawkins. Keeping Things Whole By Mark Strand In a field I am the absence of field. This is always the case. … Continue reading

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